Gratitude in the Details: Challenge Yourself to Change Your Mindset

See post by Tara Shaw (@loosegrip.coaching)

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Life can get hectic, sometimes the easiest thing for us to do to cope is to turn on auto-pilot and just try to get by. In the hustle and bustle it is so easy to overlook the small beauties that surround us.

As you continue to read, take a deep breath in and ground yourself.

There is so much to be grateful for in the details that are often overshadowed by our stressful day, or the tasks we have yet to complete. This is where mindfulness comes in. When we are practicing mindfulness, and actively search for something to be grateful for it becomes our second nature. For me, I go outside. I notice the dew on the grass, how the air feels, what it smells like, if the sky is blue or cloudy. The more I was mindful of implementing this into my mindset, the more I found that having gratitude in my heart made me a better person.

I challenge you to find gratitude in the simplicity of life. If you are able to switch your mindset to this in the simple, you’ll soon be able to do this in everything complicated. I find that holding a spot in my heart for noticing what deserves gratitude makes me a better person.

Today, and every day, I challenge you to find gratitude in something near and dear to your heart.


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