5 Steps to Crafting Powerful Affirmations That Work for You

By Sherille Marquez, Transformational Coach for Divorced Women

Coach Sherille Marquez shares how she helps clients create powerful affirmations to bring joy and hope each day.

Did you know that the human brain processes over 60,000 thoughts per day, and a staggering 80% of those thoughts are negative? 

I share this sobering statistic with my clients to underscore the urgency in adopting powerful tools like affirmations, which aid in reshaping our mindsets, overcoming negative thought patterns, and achieving our goals.

In this article, we'll explore a step-by-step process for crafting affirmations that truly resonate with you and unlock your inner potential. By the end, you'll have a customized set of affirmations that work for you and propel you towards the life you desire.

Key Takeaways

  • Affirmations are powerful tools that can help rewire our subconscious mind and foster a more empowered, optimistic, and solution-focused mindset.

  • Crafting effective affirmations involves getting clear on your goals, using present-tense language, and keeping them positive and specific.

  • Repetition, conviction, and a holistic approach of mind, body, and action are key to making affirmations work for you.

  • Affirmations can help you overcome negative thought patterns, cultivate a growth mindset, and manifest your desired outcomes.

  • Consistent practice of affirmations can lead to profound and meaningful personal transformation.

Unleashing the Power of Positive Self-Talk

Affirmations are powerful tools that can help us reshape our mindsets, overcome negative thought patterns, and achieve our goals. By tapping into the transformative power of positive self-talk, we can unlock our inner potential and cultivate a growth mindset that propels us towards personal growth and self-belief.

Understanding the Impact of Affirmations

Research in positive psychology has shown that affirmations can boost self-confidence, enhance performance, and even improve physical health by reducing stress and anxiety. 

When repeated consistently, affirmations can help rewire our subconscious mind, fostering a more empowered, optimistic, and solution-focused approach to life.

Overcoming Negative Thought Patterns

Many of us struggle with persistent negative thoughts and self-limiting beliefs that hold us back from reaching our full potential. These thoughts were really pervasive and insidious during my divorce and post-divorce healing.

Affirmations provided me with a powerful antidote to these detrimental thought patterns. By consciously replacing them with empowering, self-affirming statements, I was able to gradually shift my mindset and start seeing new possibilities emerge.

Cultivating a Growth Mindset

Affirmations are a key tool for developing a growth mindset - the belief that our abilities and potential are not fixed, but can be developed through effort, perseverance, and a willingness to learn. By affirming our capacity for growth and transformation, we can overcome obstacles, embrace challenges, and approach life with a newfound sense of possibility and resilience. 

5 Steps to Crafting Powerful Affirmations That Work for You

The first step in crafting effective affirmations is to get clear on your specific goals and desires. What do you want to achieve, overcome, or transform in your life? Spend time reflecting on your aspirations, and then use this as the foundation for your affirmations.

Step 1: Get Clear on Your Goals

Affirmations are most powerful when they are expressed in the present tense, as if the desired outcome has already been achieved. 

This taps into the power of the subconscious mind, which doesn't distinguish between what is real and what is imagined. By using present-tense language, you can program your mind to believe and manifest your goals.

Step 2: Formulate Affirmations in the Present Tense

Effective affirmations are always phrased in a positive, empowering way. Avoid using negative words or phrases that focus on what you don't want. Instead, frame your affirmations around what you do want to achieve or experience. 

Make your affirmations as specific as possible, rather than using vague or generalized statements. The universe needs to know exactly what you want!

Step 3: Keep Affirmations Positive and Specific

Repetition is key when it comes to making affirmations work. Aim to repeat your affirmations several times a day, with focus, intention, and conviction. The more you can internalize and embody the words you're saying, the more powerfully they will influence your subconscious mind and your reality.

Step 4: Repeat Affirmations with Conviction

To amplify the effects of your affirmations, combine them with visualization and physical action. Spend time each day picturing yourself already having achieved your goals, and then take small, consistent steps towards making those visions a reality. This holistic approach of mind, body, and action will accelerate your personal transformation.

Step 5: Reinforce with Visualization and Action

If you want to make this practice more potent, repeat your affirmations in front of the mirror and gaze at yourself while doing so. You will feel even more empowered afterward.


Affirmations are a powerful tool in our personal growth and transformation toolkit. As we embrace this process, we'll watch as our mindset, beliefs, and reality begin to shift in profound and meaningful ways. 

The practice of crafting powerful affirmations that work for us can unlock our inner potential, overcome negative thought patterns, and propel us towards the life we truly desire - one filled with personal growthself-beliefmanifestation, and personal empowerment.


What are the benefits of using affirmations?

Affirmations can help reshape our mindsets, overcome negative thought patterns, and achieve our goals. They are powerful tools that can boost self-confidence, enhance performance, and even improve physical health by reducing stress and anxiety.

How do I get started with crafting affirmations?

The first step is to get clear on your specific goals and desires. Reflect on what you want to achieve, overcome, or transform in your life, and use this as the foundation for your affirmations.

What makes an effective affirmation?

Effective affirmations are expressed in the present tense, phrased in a positive and empowering way, and as specific as possible. Avoid using negative words or phrases that focus on what you don't want.

How often should I repeat my affirmations?

Repetition is key when it comes to making affirmations work. Aim to repeat your affirmations several times a day, with focus, intention, and conviction. The more you can internalize and embody the words you're saying, the more powerfully they will influence your subconscious mind and your reality.

How can I amplify the effects of my affirmations?

To amplify the effects of your affirmations, combine them with visualization and physical action. Spend time each day picturing yourself already having achieved your goals, and then take small, consistent steps towards making those visions a reality. This holistic approach of mind, body, and action will accelerate your personal transformation.

Sherille Marquez, Transformational Coach for Divorced Women

Coach Sherille helps divorced women rediscover their authentic selves, reclaim their power and design the life of their dreams.


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